Universal Signs: How To Know What Yours Is…
Do you believe in coincidence?
I don’t.
Coincidences are random, and I don’t believe things happen randomly.
What I DO believe in is universal synchronicity and spiritual guidance from The Universe and our guides.
When things appear to be a simple coincidence, what is truly happening is much more meaningful - the universe is trying to send us a message.
I’m sure you’ve experienced one or all of these before:
You’re thinking about a certain person and then they message you a few minutes later…
You’ve got a particular song stuck in your head and you can’t think of the name of it, then all of a sudden it comes on the radio…
The car of your dreams, that you just stuck to your vision board, starts turning up everywhere you go…
Or… if you know your sign from the universe, you see it pop up everywhere when you’re needing guidance
(Ps… I have a free meditation right here that you can download to ask The Universe what yours is)
These awesome synchronicities & signs are available to you everywhere!
Now let’s take it one step further.
Did you know how to ask the universe for a sign to guide you toward something you want to manifest, or something you need guidance with?
If you’re unsure about a certain decision in your life, or you just want to know you’re on the right track, you can ask for a sign. Universal signs have been incredibly significant for me in my own life, which is why I’m sharing them with you today!
Having universal signs that you can recognise helps you to trust that the universe has your back, no matter what you’re going through or struggling with, which is really powerful!
In this blog not only will I share my own personal journey with universal signs, but I’ll also show you how you can find your own and use them as guides throughout your life.
My Universal Signs
I have a few different signs from the universe, and over the years I've recognised there’s a pattern with how and when they come to me. They come to me in certain phases of life, and I've found they rotate through cycles, and even sometimes pop up for me when I'm feeling a certain way. I can't really explain it, I just know what the sign means at the time.
My universal signs are:
An owl
A crab
A sparrow
And funny synchronistic events
How Do You Find Your Universal Sign?
Stick with me to the end of this blog and you’ll get my 13 minute meditation for free, so youcan figure yours out.
I always get asked “How do I find my universal sign” or “I think I have my sign...but I’m not sure what it means, or I never see it”. There shouldn’t be a lot of stress around asking for and receiving signs from the Universe - it’s all about trusting in the signs you receive.
First of all, if you don't have a sign yet, ask for one today with my meditation below!
Asking for a sign means that you’re willing to be open to what is put in your path and collaborate with the Universe. This is the first step.
It means that you’re committed to releasing control, and instead allow yourself to be led by the serendipitous and synchronistic events that will begin to happen around you. Even if it feels like things are not going right for you, even when things are not going the way you've envisioned, you’ll trust that the universe has your back.
If you ask for your sign and learn what it is, but you don’t see your sign when you’re asking for guidance, then I believe that’s also a sign too! It could be the Universe telling you that you’re not on the right path and something needs to be changed, looked at, revisited, or consolidated.
Remember and trust that the Universe has a better plan than you do!
Also we can’t just say, “Maybe, sometimes, when it works in my favour, I’ll trust in the Universe...”.
You either trust, or you don’t - you’ve gotta decide one way or the other.
How To Ask For Your Universal Sign
There are two ways you can ask for your sign:
Directly ask the Universe to send you a clear or obvious sign within a specific time frame.
Do my below meditation and ask the Universe to show you what your symbolic sign is in your visualization. Don’t judge what comes up - the first thing that pops up for you is your sign.
For example you could say something like, "Ok Universe, send me a clear sign within the next 24 hours if I'm supposed to go through with xyz decision," or “Ok Universe, send me a obvious sign within the next 7 days to let me know I am on the right path with my business” or if you want to be really specific, it can be something like “Send me my universal sign _____ by 2pm today, if I should go ahead with _____”.
Don’t believe it will work? Try it! But you need to “let go” of the sign coming to you and totally forget about it, because it will come to you in the most unexpected and beautiful way. If you look for it all day, it just won’t pop up because you’re not releasing control.
Sometimes the sign will come in the form of a song on the radio, with lyrics that answer your question, sometimes it's a special number like 22:22 on your clock, a phone call you weren't expecting, or even a bumper sticker!
It’s so weird how it will happen and here is a perfect example…
This morning before I wrote this blog I had a moment to myself in my meditation where I asked The Universe for a sign to let me know everything is going to be ok regarding something in my life that’s happening for me right now.
I cant share right now, I know I will when I’m on the other side of it, but there’s alot going on for me that’s causing me to worry at the moment and I just needed to be told everything will be OK!
I meditated on my guidance and opened my eyes when I finished. I wasn’t expecting to see anything right away but can you believe as I opened my eyes, a crab just happened to crab walk right in front of my path. It was so hilarious I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
This cute little crab out of nowhere, I don’t even know how he got on my lawn, but just happened to sneak past my eyes, running sideways with his little claws up in the air looking right at me as if he was trying to sneak past.
Funny and synchronistic! I’ve never seen a bloody crab on my lawn before!!
So I’m feeling OK! I trust its all on purpose and I feel guided from the Universe now, which let me tell you, that feels good when things arn’t going the way you expect.
These signs will be total surprise and delight moments - events you couldn't have controlled or things you would never have expected to happen.
Make sure when you get them, you thank The Universe for the guidance.
How The Universe Sends Me Messages
Here are a few more examples of how I’ve recognised signs from the universe throughout my life:
One time I was sitting in the ocean in Croatia, praying and wishing for a sign from the universe to tell me I was on track towards manifesting something I soooo badly wanted.
As I was sitting there and waiting for something big to happen, like a whale to jump out on the horizon or something (don't ever control your sign… it doesn't work!!) a random pebble underneath me moved... Now this pebble was SO SECURE, like I'm talking there's NO way this rock could have moved... It slipped and made me fall over and splash around like a crazy lady - it totally shocked me.
I started laughing at how silly I felt stacking it, but I knew that was my little wink from the universe to tell me “YES, you’re on path” and “STOP waiting for a dolphin or whale to jump up - I control the signs around here”. I thought it was funny.
Another time I was watching the sunrise, and again I asked for a sign at that moment that I was on path with a particular situation in my business. I waited, and waited, and ended up forgetting about it because it had been so long, then out of nowhere a few hours later while driving, my eyes skimmed over a random sticker of an owl on the back of a car, in such a weird way, almost like the owl was staring at me. It was so out of the blue! In that moment I knew that was my sign - my heart was racing, and it just felt right.
Remember, the way the universe communicates with you could literally be anything, so you have to pay attention and feel it out. When you see it, you'll usually know right away because it will be obvious. It will feel like you asked for it to be, and you just have a feeling come over you, like an inner knowing, about what the message is.
Sometimes my animal signs come to me in the weirdest ways. Like I’ll wake up from meditation and a sparrow will be sitting next to me (which you guys might have seen me video on about in my IG stories…)
And I’ll never forget the time I was going for a HUGE goal in my business, and I had done everything I physically could have done, and it was time to play the waiting game to see if it worked out.
I was sitting at dinner with my husband after a long week of hustle, downing a red wine because I was sure I hadn't done enough - I felt like I would get the bad news that it didn't happen this time. But can you believe, half way through my glass of red and the pity party I was having for myself, I looked up and a huge sparrow drawing was on the restaurant wall! It couldn't have been any more obvious. At that moment I felt a rush of happiness and we spent the rest of the night celebrating because I JUST KNEW it was a done deal.
3 days later I got the official YOU DID IT, but I already knew before that because I saw my sign at dinner. I trusted that the universe had my back, and it did.
Sometimes I'll be thinking or talking about something I want to know about, and a sign just pops out of nowhere. Like the time Matt and I were in France - our engine light flashed on, and we had a 4 hour drive until we reached our AirBnB…
We were in a small country town where no one knew English, and the mechanic couldn't tell us what it was, so we just kept driving. I asked Matt if he thought it was going to be ok to keep driving, and at that moment a lady on a bike scooted past us- her backpack had an owl on it.
The owl is my most prominent sign - when I see that one I know the universe has brought out the big guns to give me a sign, so I instantly felt safe! And sure enough we got to our AirBnB safe, AND an English speaking mechanic was there! How funny.
Another time that sticks out for me was the time I was waiting to hear good news about something in particular, and I swear I saw 2-3 owls per day for over a month.
Every single day I saw them, and the way I was seeing them was just so weird:
Owl magnets at wine shops as a trinket to buy
Owls on restaurant menus
Owl videos popping up on my IG feed
The Hooters restaurant owl flashing at me as we drove past
Passing night owl convenience stores randomly on the road
One place we stayed at had an owl door stopper
The Trip Advisor logo on every establishment we went to that month, if you know the logo, its an owl
Another hotel we stayed at …. Get this, you will laugh … not only had an owl on their hotel key, but an owl on the hotel number on the front door, their robes had owls embroidered on them, and when we left they gifted us an owl bracelet, an olive oil with an owl on it AND earrings with owls on them...
The cute earings I was gifted after our stay at a Greek hotel, again, the same month I was manifesting the good news I was hoping for
This little guy was just staring straight at me earlier this week in Bali when I was checking out of my hotel. The desk was unattended so I had to go looking for someone to help us, and when I went exploring, I bumped into the owl. Had there not been someone at the front desk to help I would have never seen it!
This was at the front of our hotel at Sophia Suites when we checked in, in Greece, the month I was waiting for good news!
The random wooden stump / door stopper at the front of our air bnb, the month I was waiting for that piece of good news!
Seriously… that month I was in flow BIG time!
And to no surprise, I got the good news!
As you can see, looking out for signs can be a super fun and a special way to interact with the Universe! I'm sure it will be a great tool for you to have in your spiritual toolbox, and I highly encourage you to use it as often as you need.
There’s no better feeling than seeing your sign and having that feeling wash over you like you’re meant to be here, right now, doing what you’re doing - knowing that you’re on the right path.
With that being said, I'd love to hear how you go with finding your own sign/s! Once you’ve found one, come back and leave a comment on this post to help inspire everyone.
Happy sign watching! :)
I hope this has served you today,
Chani x