The Ultimate Guide To Angel Numbers
You wake up and look at your phone, the time 11:11 stares back at you. It’s the third time this week you’ve happened to look at this time! You start to wonder… is this a sign? Why is the time 11:11 so special?
And why do you keep seeing repeating numbers like 111, 333 or 444, or patterns like 101, 1212, or 717… in phone numbers, on car number plates, everywhere!! What do they mean?
It’s not a coincidence that you notice these - sequences of numbers like the above are called angel numbers.
Angel numbers carry divine guidance by referring to specific numerological meanings, and we’re going to talk all about what this means for you here today.
Numerology is the study of numbers and how they relate to our life - it’s understood that numbers or sequences of numbers have a divine or universal relationship with certain events in our lives.
Every day the universe sends us little signs as guidance to help us understand that we’re on the right path. We often naturally recognise certain things or uncanny synchronistic events as this universal guidance - sometimes we just know it’s a sign! But we don’t always know exactly what the sign means for us…
Angel numbers are an example of these “signs” from the universe, so if you’re interested in diving into understanding the meaning behind these universal messages and learning how to intuitively recognise (and use) them, you’re in the right place!
Note: no matter what religious or spiritual background you come from, no matter what beliefs you have had in the past, I believe that we can all get guidance from our angels and the universe.
If thinking about angels is a bit too “woo” for you, instead think of it as your higher self, or the universe, or whatever higher power you personally believe in.
When you notice these numbers in your everyday life, you will know immediately that it's an angel number - I’m sure you’ve noticed them at some point in your life! Whenever you see them from now on, take the time to tap into your intuition to make the most of the meaning behind these messages the universe is trying to send you.
Angel numbers come in many forms - they can come in sequences of more than 3 digits, or they can come in repetitions and alternating sequences such as 717 or 171.
Next we’ll go into what some of the different numbers mean and how you can apply them to your life!
Bookmark this guide and keep it somewhere easily accessible so you can open it up when you need to refer to it. Also make sure to share your experiences by tagging me on Instagram @chanipeach - I’d love to see all your signs from the universe!
The meaning behind common Angel Numbers:
Number: 000
Meaning: Listen to your intuition to develop your spiritual journey. Follow your gut without waiting to start!
Number: 111
Meaning: Your thoughts are quickly manifesting! Make sure your thoughts are positive and about the experience in life you desire.
Number: 222
Meaning: Everything is going perfectly well. Keep up the great work you are doing! Have faith and trust the universe.
Number: 333
Meaning: Uplift others with your energy and love. By keeping a positive mindset on yourself and the world, you will manifest peace.
Meaning: Check in on your intuition as your angels and the universe are guiding you. They are helping you achieve your goals.
Number: 555
Meaning: Let go of the old, be open to the new. The changes in your life are ones that are divinely guided to occur by the universe.
Number: 666
Meaning: Spot check your thoughts about financial or material issues. Redirect them to positive and have faith in the universe!
Number: 777
Meaning: Your desires are coming into fruition from your positive outlook. Continue to learn & expect miracles to occur.
Number: 888
Meaning: Financial abundance is on its way to you for your good work! Take inspired action and live up to your full potential.
Number: 999
Meaning: You are coming to the end of a phase in life. Get excited as you will begin a new phase full of positivity.
Number: 101
Meaning: Pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. Trust yourself, the angels, and the Universal energies, and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction your intuition is taking you, and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.
Number: 202
Meaning: It’s time to turn your most ambitious dreams into reality. See the bigger picture, and work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Bring things through to fruition on both the spiritual and material planes.
Number: 303
Meaning: Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking. Many angels surround you and are offering you their guidance and assistance. All you need to do is ask. The angels are waiting to answer your prayers.
Number: 404
Meaning: You are being surrounded by helpful, loving angels who wish to bring you peace of mind and joy of heart. You are being given support and encouragement along your path, and when faced with an obstacle rest assured that your angels are most willing to assist. Be assured that solutions to any issues or problems will soon be revealed.
Number: 505
Meaning: It is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you and get ready for big changes to take place in your life. Maintain a positive attitude about the ‘new’ entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting to you.
Number: 606
Meaning: Keep your focus on love, light and the spiritual aspects of life, and give any fears or concerns about your material and/or financial situation to the angels for healing and transmutation. Trust that all you need will be supplied by the Universe at the right time.
Number: 707
Meaning: Give yourself credit for the growth in your spiritual journey you've been making. Even if you've just started it, do it with curiosity and without judgement.
Number: 808
Meaning: Be sure that the path you choose to take aligns with your true self on every level. Your life is for you to live, made up of your choices and actions, so make sure that they are right for you. Ask yourself what is most important to you, then have the courage to create your life around it. Do not fear changing paths or paving a new one if feeling guided to do so. When you live your life from a place that reflects who you truly are, the energies of the Universe come together to assist you.
Number: 909
Meaning: Follow your gut instincts and listen to your intuition. Your intuition brings you inspiration, guidance, visions and ideas to ponder and pursue that are intended to guide you in the direction of your highest good.
Number: 1212
Meaning: The universe is manifesting your desires. Stay focused on your goals and step out of your comfort zone. Release fear and step up with passion and purpose!
Number: 717
Meaning: Changes are happening in your life that will help you get into alignment with your life's purpose! If you're being led to books, a mentor, or help in the form of a coach, listen to your gut and follow it.
Number: 313
Meaning: The universe is guiding you to stay positive and optimistic about your life! Now is the time to take action with confidence and enthusiasm.
Number: 515
Meaning: If you feel like things are shifting around, it is because you are being led to improve and create a better life. New opportunities are showing up, so dive in deep and take them up!
Number: 171
Meaning: You are on the right path in life, you're being commended for your work! Continue on this path, as you have made the right choices.
Do you see 11:11 everywhere too?
So as you can see, there are so many unique synchronicities that can happen in our lives every single day, and these numbers are important messages from the universe! If we take the time to pay attention to these synchronicities, tune into our intuition, and take guidance from the universe, we’ll gain powerful insight on the best path forward in our lives.
Each of us can interpret these messages differently, so don’t overthink it too much - take what feels right at the time and move on!
I know I’ve experienced amazing things since paying more attention to angel numbers, and I hope the same thing happens for you.
Again, I’d love to hear all your experiences with signs from the universe! Make sure you share them on Instagram and tag me in your posts and stories @chanipeach - and don’t forget to bookmark this as a resource you can come back to in the future to see what the meaning is behind those numbers you keep seeing!
I hope this served you today,
Chani x