How to set life-changing goals you'll actually achieve!
We’re over halfway through 2020 now, in fact we’re coming up to quarter 4, and for many of us this year did NOT go as planned… Regardless of the craziness going on in the world, now is the time to take a step back, check in, reset, and reevaluate where we are versus where we want to be. I like to do this multiple times a year (for both life and business) so that I can make sure my goals are still aligned with my overall vision and mission.
Its the first step I take with my Moon Magic Private members where I teach them how to create a more abundant life by using the natural rhythms of the moon... cultivating happiness, purpose & clarity whilst enjoying life, being highly effective and in a state of total flow.
But before they start to learn the science behind Moon Tracking and harnessing the different energies of the Zodiac signs that The Moon is in, they must goal set!
Its the first module they dive into!
I take them through a very thorough goal setting strategy that I’ve come up with myself (its a 23 page document!) over the years morphing my favourite strategies from all my personal, professional and spiritual development over the years into one kick ass activity. It gets them thinking about absolutely every area of their life & getting so crystal clear on what they want to cultivate into their lives, that as soon as they’re done - they’re ready to get started ticking off all their dreams and goals.
So today I won’t be taking you through the full extensive version, however I will be sharing some awesome tips to help you get a feel for what my private members are working on inside Moon Magic as we speak.
This blog is based around 7 steps that Tony Robbins teaches.
Tony Robbins 7 steps are:
Get clarity
Get certain
Get excited
Get focused
Get committed
Get momentum
Get smart
In a second I’m going to take you through each step and we’re going to apply it right away. This activity will require your full attention, so take a moment to get rid of any distractions. This is going to be game changing for you, and if you give it your full energy, I guarantee you’ll be set up to reach your wildest dreams!
Grab your pen and paper, and let’s dive in!
Section 1 - Get Clear:
This is where we gain some clarity on what we want and what we don’t want. It’s important to start here so we know we’re heading in the right direction.
Answer the following questions:
1.a. What did you LOVE over the last 12 months?
Think about things you did, hobbies, feelings, people, places, learnings - anything you experienced in the past year that brought you joy.
1.b. What were some of your magic moments?
Think about things you did, or events that happened, or people you connected with that made you think “WOW, that was awesome.”
1.c. What did you accomplish?
Think about what you have achieved over the past year, big or small. Also consider anything you did that you felt proud of - these are achievements too.
1.d. What do you want to duplicate again?
Think about what you’d like to repeat in the next 12 months - what moments or achievements were so great you would like them to happen all over again?
1.e. What did you dislike in the last 12 months?
Now let’s go to the opposite experience...think about what sucked over the last year, or what made you feel “blah”, uninspired, angry, sad, or stressed out?
1.f. What was really challenging?
Think about what challenging moments you experienced, or what things you did that were difficult - consider both good and bad challenges.
1.g. What do you not want to happen ever again?
Think about the moments, feelings, or things that happened that you just wish would never happen again.
1.h. What decisions did you make that were empowering to you?
Was there anything you decided to do, or NOT do, that made you feel really good, or empowered you to grow, learn, or improve in any way?
1.i. What were the most important decisions of the year for you?
Think about those moments that really changed things for you. What decisions did you make that changed the course of your thoughts, actions, or beliefs?
1.j. What decisions will you continue to make this next year, or what new decisions will you make?
Consider those empowering and important decisions, and whether you will need to make similar decisions again in the next year. Or, what new decisions do you think are coming up for you in the next year?
I am seriously certain I love this hat, jumper and jean combo!
Section 2 - Get Certain
Now that we’ve gotten super clear on the good and the bad, what we want and what we don’t want, it’s time to get certain about how we’ll achieve our goals.
Answer the following questions:
2.a. What things in your life were once a goal or a dream, that are now reality for you?
Consider goals or dreams you had when you were younger, or even more recently, that you’ve been able to work towards and achieve. Think about both big and small things.
2.b. Go back and circle the top 2-3 that felt the most difficult, but you still achieved.
2.c. Now let’s think about your personal success formula.
We all have a formula for our success, and when you look at those 2-3 goals you achieved, you’ll find there were certain steps or actions you took to turn those dreams into reality.
For example, did you write your goal down? Did you start researching the topic? Did you surround yourself with a community of others with a similar goal?
Write down your success formula in order of what you did - this will be different for everyone.
For each past goal you achieved, also consider:
What did you focus on continuously?
Did you put a lot of emotional charge into it? Did you FEEL what it would be like to achieve the goal?
Did you create a plan? Did you write it down?
If you can get clear on this, it makes it easier to repeat in the future with your new goals!
I mean… how could you not be excited with that squishy face around all day, everyday!?
Section 3 - Get Excited
This section is often overlooked, but so important for success! It’s time to get into a peak state. I know it can seem silly if you’re just sitting on your own somewhere, but if you want your goals to become reality, getting excited and really making your body come alive is NECESSARY.
We all have multiple personalities or voices within us, and we need the right voice in the driver's seat for this process! Don’t let the negative voice drive, it’s gotta be the positive one - your inner cheerleader - that gets a prime position for this activity!
3.a. Here’s how you can get in a peak state right now (and let out that inner cheerleader):
Move your body - put on your fave song and start dancing, get up and run around your house, do some stretches or jump around for a few minutes!
Focus on your breath and breathe fast and deep
It’s time to take this seriously and get excited… we’re designing the lifestyle of your dreams here!
The energy you put in is the energy you’ll get out.
Now that you’re in a peak state and feeling good, grab your pen and paper.
3.b. Write down EVERY goal you want to accomplish in your lifetime, and do it as fast as possible!
Think about what you’d do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would you want to experience, where would you live, how would you spend your time if you could do ANYTHING in the world?
Taken out the front of my house last month… one of my fave photos ever. How beautiful is the sky!? So magic!!!
Section 4 - Get Focused
Now we’ve got our huge goals list, it’s time to get focused and sort these goals into realistic timelines. While I strongly believe you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to, reality is that you probably can’t do it ALL in one single year…
4.a. Go through your big goals list and next to each item write down the number of years you believe it will take, or that you want it to take, to achieve.
Write 1, 3, or 3+ years next to each goal.
4.b. Now circle every goal that you can or want to achieve in the next 1 year or less.
4.c. Out of these, which one are you MOST excited for?
Which goal is going to get you out of bed each morning, or make other goals possible to achieve? Choose 3 if you like.
It doesn’t have to be huge, it just has to light you up and make you excited to achieve it!
When your why is big enough, you’ll do anything. So next it’s time to get connected to WHY you want these goals to happen.
When you get emotionally connected and focused on a goal, you’ll find new opportunities come your way that never did before, you’ll experience new things, your brain will NOTICE things that are in alignment with your goals!
This is part of my mythology inside Moon Magic & the practice I teach - its a thematic practice meaning that ones youre cleat on your goals, its all about anchoring emotion to them & feeling as if its already happened.
This is how we follow through and actually achieve goals we set for ourselves - it’s essentially the law of attraction. What you focus on will manifest itself in your life - I really believe that (and I’ve experienced it over and over again in my own life, you can read my manifestation stories here on this page.) The HOW becomes easy when the WHY is strong.
4.d. What are some of the deeper reasons you will achieve this goal no matter what? WHY do you want to achieve this goal now?
4.e. How will you feel when you achieve these goals?
Really go deep on the exact feelings - picture yourself achieving the goal, and embody those feelings you’ll feel as you write them down.
4.f. What are some of the things you may need to do to achieve this that you don’t want to do?
Our biggest growth opportunities arise during challenges, so really get clear on those hard things you’re putting off but you KNOW need to get done.
For example, do you need to choose to work on your goal instead of watching Netflix? Stop scrolling on Instagram? Finally make the calls you’ve been putting off?
Section 5 - Commitment
Now it’s time to decide and commit. We’ve refined our top goals and identified what might mess this up - we’re super clear on what we want and why we want it. But this is where we need to decide to cut off all other options, burn the boats, and go for it.
If you do not make a serious decision to commit to your goals, you’ll find endless excuses or reasons why you can’t follow through. You need to act as if there is simply no other option but to do the work.
Consciously make the decision to take action and follow through on your goals. Maybe you need accountability? Connect with a loved one and ask if they can help you stay accountable to your goals? Thats what I love about my private community inside Moon Magic. I get to surround myself with one powerful group of women on one transformational journey and we’re all committing to ourselves, our dreams and our wildly abundant future together - and cheering each other on at the same time!
Section 6 - Momentum
Alright, now that you’ve made a decision to stay committed (YAY!!) we’re going to get some momentum happening.
6.a. What’s one small thing you’ve been avoiding you can do first to get one step closer to the goal?
This could be as small as telling someone else you want to achieve this goal, setting up a calendar, making a phone call.
6.b. What’s one big thing you resolve to do IMMEDIATELY to get closer to the goal?
Think about just one action you can take that is going to help you get set up to achieve your goal. For example, you might need to clean your desk, throw out the junk food in your pantry, go to bed earlier, etc.
Even though these things might sound simple, they are profound because these small actions will get things started for you. These small actions MUST happen for you to reach your goals, so let’s get that ball rolling!
Section 7 - Get Smart
The more you measure something, the better it gets!
Measuring shows you where you are right now, and where you want to be. Then you can identify the steps in between you’ll need to take to get there.
On the road to your goals, be sure to check in at least once per month. And when you check in, make sure you celebrate your progress, no matter how small!
Inside Moon Magic, I encourage my tribe to check in and course correct or move forward with their intention for that Moon Phase at the Full Moon.
Because at the Full Moon its when the moon is reflecting the Sun’s light at its most peak, back to us on Earth ~ and its when everything becomes “illuminated” for us. Not just physically with the brightness of the moon but emotionally, spiritually and physically … we see the path ahead for us at this time.
Remember, it’s not the goal or the destination that’s important, it’s who you become along the way. The magic is in the journey.
So we’ve made some amazing discoveries today, and I hope you were able to get some incredible clarity and direction on your goals and the next steps you’ll need to take to make them reality.
Make sure you don’t go through these activities then forget about it and go back to normal…
If you’re feeling like you’re needing more guidance with your dreams & goals and a powerful group of women to keep you accountable, and a community of soul-led women who are on the same journey as you creating their wildly abundant lives with flow and easy ~ then you’ve gotta check out Moon Magic!
The doors are only open 3 times a year and they’re actually open right now as we speak, but the cart is only open for 7 days - they shut on Friday the 11th of September.
If you want to learn more about MM you can catch my masterclass replay here.
Or sit in on one of my group coaching sessions with my private member here.
I also talk about everything astrology, science, woo & moon tracking basics here on my iTunes podcast episode (Also available as episode 51 on youtube, stitcher & Spotify)
This is the start of your life-changing journey - take action and make it happen!
To your abundance,
Chani x