IM FEATURED IN A BOOK 📚 // How to make an income while making an impact…
I have to tell you a crazy story. ACTUALLY TWO…
In 2015 when I started my business I was handed a book called The 4 Year Career. Its Written by Richard Bliss Brooke and the front of it says…
“How to Make Your Dreams of Fun and Financial Freedom Come True - or Not...”
The Four Year Career - How to make your dreams of fun and freedom come true… to not! Now available on my website.
Now picture this…
I said yes to starting my side hustle at the time because I was sick of working 50 hours a week as a nurse, I was overworked and underpaid, unappreciated by colleagues at my place of work and I was also in a substantial amount of debt that had me pretty stressed about finances.
I was not having fun.
I had big dreams.
I was seriously wishing & hoping for financial freedom.
So this book and its title grabbed my attention, to say the least.
I was told to read the book, and then to go back to my mentor so we could chat about my vision for the future and how my business was going to look and fit into that.
I finished it in two days (its a super easy read, big writing, short chapters and straight to the point - my type of book).
I was so obsessed with the book I then downloaded the audible version and would listen to it every afternoon when I squeezed in my my 45 minute power walk around the block in my crazy full day.
It would fire me up and get me so excited that I’d come home from my walk and just want to dive into my business and work on it to build the foundations.
Matt would literally have to peel me off my office chair sometimes because I have always been so obsessed with my biz - this book helped me cast that long term vision.
Now the crazy part…
Last year in 2019, just 3 years after starting my business, I was asked to be in the special edition copy for my company.
Yep, I had to pick up my jaw off the floor.
OK WAIT THOUGH… Here’s the even crazier part. You guys know I’m all about Universal Signs and Angel Numbers. When I got the first hard copy of it in my hands, I flicked to my bit & my story happens to be published on page 111. Whuuuutttt?!
So to pass on the magic - when you grab your copy off my website, I always write you a personalised note (whatever I feel you need to hear) + I pull a card for you from my favourite Super Attractor deck of cards and pop it in as your personal book mark.
I was so grateful and so excited that I had been asked to have my business story featured in one of my favourite books ever, and the first book I ever read when I decided to go ALL IN and throw everything I had in me, into my business.
My vision board at the time had “to have a published book” … ok so I didn’t write the book but I am in a published book, and you know what they say, you cant control how it happens, you just need to surrender to that part and trust that it will in the most perfect way!
After 3 years my team became the fastest growing team & we made the top 10 of our company in Australasia by hitting the pinnacle position & making myself (and still am) the youngest to hold that position.
Before we continue… I want to make something super clear here by the way. I promise I’m not sharing all of this to dazzle & impress you, I share this to impress upon you whats truely possible in your life, if you’re really open to creating some magic in your life.
So my question to you is…
Have you ever wondered if it’s REALLY possible to make an income while making a lasting impact?
Sometimes it seems like everyone out there on the internet is living their dream lives, travelling the world, business is booming & they’re earning money quickly and easily... while you’re stuck working a lacklustre 9-5 that feels uninspiring and inescapable…
This was certainly how I felt all those years ago when I was doing my daily 45 minute power walk around the block with my head phones in!
However, I want you to know that regardless of where you’ve been in the past or where you currently are, it’s totally and 100% completely possible for you to make your dreams of fun and freedom come true.
You just need to give yourself enough time.
Here’s one thing I know to be true…
We overestimate what can be done in a year and underestimate what can be done in 10.
I was one of them.
When I started my network marketing business in 2015, I would be lying to you if I told you I had 10 out of 10 belief in myself, belief in the profession & belief in my product. I totally didnt.
In fact I told Matt, who was supportive of me starting but also cautious and challenged me whether it was the right choice (like any great person who loves you would by the way), to give me just 12 months to see if this thing would work out.
I remember the conversation very clearly.
“just give me a year, and if it doesn’t work out then i’ll quit”.
What I didn’t understand when I said that, before I read The 4 year career, was the thorough understanding of Residual Royalty Income … one of the most innovative, yet misunderstood business concepts in the world. Something you’ll learn more about when you read the book.
I was selling myself short by giving myself only 12 months.
I had to learn the skills,
I had to learn lessons and fail forward,
I had to earn my stripes to be rewarded,
I had to gain experience to then be able to teach my team from a place of experience &
I really needed to suck at it for a little bit first to then be hungry enough to go and learn how to be better.
12 months just isn’t enough time & and quitting before the 4 year mark really is just a cop out. That really goes with any business, not just mine.
Four years is enough time to, if you really want to, throw everything you’ve got at it and go ALL THE WAY to reap the fruits of your labour.
Why did I choose to invest all my time into this business model?
Network marketing is essentially a business model where you get to share something you’re passionate about with others, and create an income from it!
In traditional business models, you get paid only when you sell something directly to someone. For example if you own a clothes store, you make the retail sales profit on the dresses you sold today. However, Network Marketing is quite different because you’re part of a team and you essentially set up a franchise business - this is amazing because not only can you create an income when you share your product or service with others, but you can also create residual income when anyone on your team also grows their business, like royalties off being the CEO of a franchise company! Kinda like the guys who invested F45… with all the franchise F45’s around the world that have been set up, those guys would be having a pretty awesome residual income stream.
And even better? You get to surround yourself with a whole group of like-minded people who are all as passionate as you are. Your team becomes your family.
How cool is that? I could never imagine starting up a company and having the opportunity to franchise it out like an F45. That sounds like such crazy hard work… doable…. but crazy. I also don’t have a business degree so I wouldn’t even know where to start, so this model is best for my situation because I can start a franchise business straight off the bat - easy peasy.
Another fantastic thing about this industry is that you get out what you put in, which I love, because man I have an insatiable work ethic. So unlike a traditional career where you have to start at the bottom and work your way to the top of the ladder, no matter how good (or bad) you are at what you do… In Network Marketing, you could have just joined a couple of months ago and already start to earn more than people who have been in it for years, if you throw everything you’ve got at it and go all in!
I’ve seen this happen in my team lots… I’ve also seen people “out-earn” the person who introduced them. So the myth about how “the person at the top earns all the money” is totally not true! If you’re passionate and you put the work in, you’ll reap the rewards (and more!)
If it sounds like I’m excited, it’s because I am! This opportunity has created so much abundance and opportunity in my own life, and I’ve been able to share that with so many women and see their lives transform too.
This has changed so many lives within my team, but not necessarily from the money…
By far, one of the most rewarding aspects of this proffesion (and something most people outside of the industry don’t know) is personal development.
Because of this industry, I have been able to learn so many new things, have new experiences, and grow as a person in ways I probably never would have without it.
This personal growth goes way beyond the walls of business too - your whole outlook on life changes and you just become a whole new person
I’ve also been able to connect with inspiring and successful mentors over the years, people who encouraged me & pushed me beyond my comfort zone and achieve things I never thought I could. Now, they’re my close friends who I hang out with & dine with. Once upon a time that just blew my mind even thinking of the possibility of hanging out with such inspiring people. Now they’re in my close circle!
Being surrounded by so many successful entrepreneurs gives you these crazy opportunities to learn new things and continue growing every single day - and you get to do it all with some pretty special peeps by your side, who end up turning into family, and you end up creating some really beautiful magic moments
A few awesome things you might not know about what I do:
You get to choose the hours you work! If you want to build a side-hustle to pay a few extra bills each month, go for it! Or maybe you’re ready to get out of a job you aren’t fulfilled in? Let’s do it! Work as little or as much as you want.
You can do this from anywhere in the world! I’ve been able to travel to some incredibly beautiful places, all while working from wifi. Hello tax deductions and an epic tax strategy 😝
No crazy set up fees - for $50 USD you can set up your whole business and start earning, like yesterday!
You get to promote a product you’re passionate about, without dealing with all the behind the scenes admin work like research and development - it’s all already done for you, just put your own personal spin on it then plug and play! Thats why I created The Healthstyle Emporium, my online holistic program. I share and lead with my program which im super passionate about and as much as I love the product I use, I’m also not that annoying person online always throwing products in your face 😉
You get access to some of the most successful people in the world as your mentors who train you FOR FREE! Your mentors are vested in your success so you bet they’re going to work their butt of to make sure you become as successful as possible.
So now you might be thinking, “this all sounds great Chani, but I still don’t get how I could actually make money from this…”
Hozzi even loves The Four Year Career! She gets it :p
While I can’t go into the entire model in this blog, the first thing you’ll need to do is get clear on whether or not Network Marketing sounds like it’s for you - because it’s not for everyone.
However, if you’re interested in making an income while sharing something your passionate about (like health and wellness, in my case!) AND you’d like to do that while surrounded with like-minded inspiring people...then this might be something to look into for yourself!
And if you’re thinking that you want to learn more, I’d highly recommend grabbing yourself a copy of The Four Year Career here. It’s a super easy, quick read, and my story actually features inside.
This book gives a simple, but clear, overview of how Network Marketing really works (I’ve just skimmed the surface for you above!) plus gives you the opportunity to look at whether it might be the path for you, or not.
You never know - this could change the trajectory of your entire life, like it did for me!
If you read the book and you want to learn more about joining my team, click here to learn more about how we do it. There’s a reason why we’re one of the top 10 teams in Australia and I don’t say that lightly. To be able to be in the top 10 in less than 4 years is phenomenal, and the reason why is because our team is seriously like no other team out there - we’re different. We’re full of innovators, dream keepers, multi-faceted, financially literate and passionate women who want to help you win.
I’m so proud of what we’ve created and all the success my team has created for themselves.
They’re one inspiring bunch!
I hope I’ve been able to inspire you in some way today, and I can’t wait to share more with you in the future.
Chani x