Chani Thompson

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Is the Healthstyle Emporium a pyramid scheme? Here's the truth about what we do.

I get what you think when you hear the word network marketing because I too associated MLM to be a dirty word.

So I’m writing this blog to set the facts straight & educate you on what this really is.

You’ve probably stumbled upon this blog because you’re wondering “is this a scam” or “is this one of those things” or you’ve probably read somewhere or had a friend / family member tell you to stay away.

If that’s what’s happened, that’s really sad. I wonder if they had a bad experience with this business model in the past? Maybe!

Do you want to know the truth? I did the same thing.

I know how you feel when you get spammed in your DM’s by complete strangers or when randoms approach you with their ‘opportunity’. ITS ANNOYING!

Can we please stop copy pasting scripts to others who we don’t even know online, to try and have them join our teams or buy our products? Pleaaase?!

Im writing this blog because im sick & tired of the bad behaviour that some people sadly partake in, when apart of a network marketing business.

So let’s clear up some of your questions, common misconceptions about the Healthstyle Emporium, Babes in Business and MLM as a business structure.

(lets face it, there is an incredible amount of opinions about it out there … the purpose of this blog is to equip you with the facts around something that can be super confusing.)

Here’s what we’ll be coving in this blog:

  • Is The HSE a pyramid scheme?

  • Is The HSE / BIB an MLM or a network marketing company?

  • Do all the people at the top make all the money?

  • How is The HSE different?

  • Why does The HSE partner with JP+?

  • Why cant you buy JP+ in stores?

  • Can we use The HSE without JP+?

  • If you think this business isn’t for you.

  • Why wouldn’t I just choose a traditional business model?

  • Why is this profession so misunderstood?

You ready? Lets go!

Is the Healthstyle Emporium a pyramid scheme?

The short answer is NO - the Healthstyle Emporium is NOT a pyramid scheme. Babes in Business is also NOT a pyramid scheme. But let me explain a little further.

Pyramid schemes, also known as Ponzi schemes, were made illegal in the 90’s, so this is definitely not what we do!

These schemes are frowned upon because they are essentially financial scams. They rely on people to buy in to a new business, where the recruiter gets paid purely off the back of recruiting these people without exchange of goods or services in return.

Essentially, a pyramid scheme is = you invest your money, you get no service or product in return. You then recruit people to also invest money, then they recruit, and those people also recruit … eventually the person at the top takes the kitty of mula & your left without a return on your cash investment until you teach your team to find enough recruits to invest, once your team reaches a certain amount of money, you cash out… and that goes on and on and on.

What your $50USD partner fee gets you.

Anyone who joins us in the Healthstyle Emporium as a client gets amazing value with our 16 week online health and wellness program,
The HSE, and partner products, plus they get access to their very own wellness coach to keep them accountable to their goal and other health professionals for free.

Our Babes in Business (also known as the wellness coaches inside The Healthstyle Emporium team) get access to coaches, personal development, weekly trainings, mentors and business systems that can help them build their own business with The HSE, to help them find the level of success they’re looking for. No financial scams here, you become part of our team and its our obligation to help you win!

To join the business, its a whopping $50 USD ($50 CAD / £50/ €50 / $165 AUD / $172 NZD). Yep. That’s it.

We’re in over 23 countries, so if you’re wanting to know the cost for your country it’s easy to find out.

That gets you your administration website to run your business, email and phone support with our head office team + so much more (you can check out the photo here).

There’s no other financial investment.

A Ponzi Scheme is usually around $5000 - $50,000 or more to join. Ponzi schemes rely on large start up costs to bring in finance, and then they deliver little or nothing in return, which is nothing like what we are doing.

Pretty sure we can’t rip you off with $50 😋

Is the Healthstyle Emporium multilevel marketing (MLM)?

Otherwise known as network marketing… Yes! So much Yes, and we are so proud that it is! But before you freak out, let me explain exactly what this means and why it’s not what most people think.

First let me address the elephant in the room - if you join us inside The Healthstyle Emporium as a client you DO NOT need to become a wellness coach or join the business side of our company. This is a health and wellness program and the majority of ladies using it do so without starting their own business - you’ll never be pushed into anything you don’t want to do!

In addition to offering The Healthstyle Emporium to our health and wellness clients, we have also partnered up with an amazing whole food nutraceutical product, Juice Plus+, which is a network marketing company.

We’ll chat more about our product later on.

Here’s why MLM is a business MODEL we wholeheartedly believe in:

To run a business like say, a supermarket, such as Woolworths / Coles / Wholefoods / Costco, it requires a HUGE amount of money and people just to keep the doors open - the advertising, the rent of the buildings, the rates, the electricity, the shipping costs, employee wages… not to mention the stock that just sits there and eventually gets thrown out when it goes off.

Our business is different in that the middle man is cut out, which means there’s more opportunity for more money to land in the pocket of the workers - like those check out chicks who actually show up for work!

Did you know…

In traditional business, distribution and marketing equals 85% of the cost we pay for a product. Thats heaps!

In a network marketing business, only 40-50% of the cost goes to distribution and marketing. This allows you to take advantage of a higher quality product at a lower cost.

In MLM, the company pays every folks like you and I - to spread the good word - win win!

The consumer wins (yep, that’s you!)

Consumers are getting better value for their money with a MLM product because less is being spent on advertising and distribution.

Plus, companies who use the MLM business structure more often then not have a product or service that is cutting edge. Usually these types of products that are distrubuted in a traditional business model like an e-commerce store or a physical in real life retail store, they are expensive to manufacture and on sell - lots of time, energy and money is needed for the scientific research and development behind the product.

When you walk into your local health food store for example, the workers’ behind the counter usually aren’t educated on the millions of products in that store, nor are they going to take the time to explain to you why you should pick a better, or higher quality product over the familiar product you always use… they really don’t care what you buy because it doesn’t affect them at all!

They don’t go home and research the products in their store to make sure they’re well educated on them.

Usually your everyday health food counter chick goes in to work, get’s their average $12-18/hour, and then they go home. They don’t need to do more.

They’re also not going to check in with you a few weeks from when you buy your product, to give you customer support & see how you are loving your products & give you extra support.

Actually now that I think about it…. what companies that you buy things from, call you up, and give you ongoing customer care?

Oh wait … we do! 😋

Not only are you paying for a better quality products using MLM products, but your rep is knowledgable & will most likely give you great customer care BUT you are supporting a local / home based business vs. a big corporation.

I don’t know about you but I would rather support a friend or family member who is working hard to evolve their entrepreneurial journey, or a friendly person I have met online, knowing I’m helping a family put food on the table and have them working towards their goals.

Plus, I like higher quality products at a lower cost. Who doesn’t?

The business owner wins too !

People who have a great work ethic thrive in an MLM / NWM business because you get to dictate your income!

You get to dictate how much you’re worth, and how much you get paid. And if you’re like me, you work hard and have incredible work ethic, you will succeed.

You know those people at your work who rock up late, have longer lunch breaks then you, leave work early, don’t finish their tasks etc… yep well they usually don’t do very well at a business like this because they don’t have the work ethic you do. They usually give MLM a go because it may look to them like its an easy way out and a quick way to make some money, and realise they’re not cut out for “working” & then end up having a bad experience, and then sadly push their opinions on others.

Those are the people usually telling you “those things don’t work”. They’re right … this business will not work for lazy people!

You must be teachable. You must be coachable. You must have the desire to have more & you HAVE TO have epic work ethic, determination, grit and consistency.

Like any business really 😆

Ok, so going back to the money …💸💸💸

If we share the product or service with others, our pay is a direct reflection of the number of people that we help.

This is a big reason why an MLM company like ours is not an illegal pyramid scheme. We are simply compensated for selling a product or delivering a service, like any business. We don’t get paid for recruiting people into our business. That is illegal.

The MLM company wins too!

In an MLM business structure, the customer wins, the worker wins AND the company wins.

Instead of paying retailers to look busy and do hardly any real work (like in our health food store example earlier), they just pay the workers who are actually moving the needle for their company. 

If a worker doesn’t do any work, they don’t get paid - that’s pretty fair, right?

Sorry there’s no sneaky schemes here, it’s just smart business!

Do all the people at the top of the network make all the money in MLM?

This is a huge misconception because this is what happens in those illegal ponzi and pyramid schemes where there’s no product, service or real business opportunity, just a linitialntial buy in / investment and large enrolment fee.

As I’ve said already, what we do is certainly not that!! If it were - we would be shut down by whats called The DSA.

It’s the global governing body for the Direct Selling Association. Yep! We have a governing body that represents all network marketing companies and boy are they fierce (AND RIGHTLY SO). If you stuff up, make claims, do something illegal or function in anyway that is seen to be unjust or in malpractice - there are huge million dollar fines on the table.

Their job is to protect the consumer (that’s you) the business owner (thats me) and the company.

Your earnings in our business are a direct reflection of the work you put in and how many people you help.

We help people with their health and wellness journeys, we give them incredible tools and resources within our program + added extra bonuses for FREE (aka like my exercise guide, my 7 day juice cleanse, our meal plans and shopping lists, our educational health webinars, our at home yoga and stretching videos + so much more …. all worth an amazing amount of $$) plus we help them flood their body with the nutrition they need to do what they were designed to do. 

Help more people get healthy = bring in more income. It’s a win win.

There’s no greedy guts at the top making big bucks while the workers at the bottom do all the work and get paid nothing - that doesn’t happen here!

I’m sure many of you can relate to having a manager, or the CEO of the company you work for, who makes most of the money while you work extremely hard for an average wage…

See this content in the original post

In an MLM business that doesn’t happen - your level of work dictates your level of income, no matter if you’re brand new or you’ve been here for decades!

You can check out one of my speeches around NWM by clicking on this photo & hearing what I have to say about changing the stigma & how NWM is looked at by the world…

So, how is The Healthstyle Emporium business model is different?

There are people in our business who are able to start earning more money than the people who shared this business opportunity with them (otherwise known as their upline or mentor), or who have been in business for 2 or 3 years longer than them!

Read that again.

YES!! You can earn more then the person who is your upline. So NO… Not everyone “at the top” earns all the money.

This is because your pay is a direct reflection of the amount of people you help, either as a customer or as a mentor, showing others how to build their own independent business. You put in the work, you reap the rewards. Your “upline” becomes complacent and stops putting the work in? Well… you will most probably surpass them in income.

One thing to make clear is this business model is not a get rich quick scheme, and we don’t promote it as one. We’re all about helping you build a long-term, stable business that can set you up for the rest of your life. It’s a legacy business.

Ok I get it, but I still don’t think this business is for me?

This is a snap from Bali for our team annual Babes In Business Mastery Retreat. Tax deductible travel…. why would anyone say no to that?! I’m confused 😜hehe…

I felt exactly the same way, even after learning all about how Network Marketing / MLM worked and how it wasn’t actually an illegal scheme, I still didn’t think I could do this.

But i’ll let you in on a little something…

You are already a network marketer! 🤪

You know that awesome netflix series you’re addicted to that you’ve been telling everyone about?
Or how about the amazing new foundation you’ve started using that doesn’t make your skin break out?
What about the instagram account you found that has the most amazing home wares you’ve told all your friends about?

That’s network marketing in action - it’s just sharing what you love!

I’m even willing to bet your friends are so grateful for the recommendation!!

(Perfect example… my bestie told me about the show Euphoria on foxtel last month. I BECAME OBSESSED after episode #1, so much so that I entered a binge hole and smashed out the first season in less then a week. I couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks with all my friends. To watch this show I had to sign up and buy a foxtel account…. Helloooooo. Thats Network Marketing. Thats marketing something you use and love to your network!)

Now imagine if Netflix paid me for making an incredible recommendation like that because I know you will all search Euphoria now and LOVE IT!?

Imagine if you got paid to recommend products you already loved and knew would make a difference to someone’s health and life?

That’s all network marketing is! You’re already doing it every day in your life … you’re just not getting paid for it 🙃

It works. And when it’s done with authenticity and passion, it’s the most powerful business structure in the world.

Tell me why The Healthstyle Emporium partners with Juice Plus+?

First of all let’s get one thing straight. We do not have to give you The Healthstyle Emporium for free. This is a program that once upon a time before JP+ came into my life, it was a program I (that also took years to create) charged my clients $1500 to use whilst coaching with me.

Our team gives this service for free to all our JP+ customers. AND ONLY our team does that.

Why? Because we want to add value. We want to exceed your expectations & go above and beyond what our clients expect. And we love to surprise & delight, it’s how we do business.

So again, we do not need to give our program for free, we could just share JP+ with you like everyone else in the world does.

So… why JP+?

We are currently in a very scary global health crisis.

The World Health Organisation stats from 2016 - 2018 show us that:

1. Chronic diseases kill 40 million people each year - Diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes.
2. CVDs are the number 1 cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause.
3. Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, being overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.
4. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer.
5. Worldwide, 3 million deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol.
6. The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014, a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb amputation.

Should I go on?

Adding to this, no education around lifestyle and nutrition, low cost and easily accessible packaged and processed foods mixed with malnutrition, increase our risk of dying from these chronic illnesses and prevention is one of the most powerful tools we can use to combat this.

A massive part of preventing chronic disease is fuelling your body with the nutrition it needs to function properly.

You might be “healthy” and don’t need Juice Plus… but the rest world isn’t (ps - I juice daily & eat majority plant based and trust when I say I still need JP+… there no such thing as “Im already healthy”).

You can feel illness but you cannot feel prevention my friends - everyone in the world needs Juice Plus+.

We know we need to eat less junk, and eat more natural whole foods. We know we need to exercise and move our bodies more. We know we need to stress less, sleep more, and drink more water!

This is my face when someone shows me another one of those uneducated / opinionated blogs out there 🤪That would have taken so much energy to exert 🤦🏼‍♀️

We all know these things! But knowing isn’t the same as doing - Juice Plus+ bridges that gap and makes adding a healthy practice into your life so simple and doable.

Most people who join our business have a huge passion for health and wellness, and many are already health professionals - we care deeply about your health, which is why we aren’t willing to share anything that is not backed by research or a company we trust.

The company has been around for more than 50 years, and our partner product, Juice Plus+, is the most researched nutraceutical in the world - it has over 33 peer-reviewed scientific studies published in world renowned medical and health journals. You can even ask siri 😂 “What is the most researched neutraceutical product in the world” … Do it. I dare you.

YOU JUST CAN’T BEAT THAT. It’s the real deal (sorry to all those forums, blogs & websites out there and ridiculous youtube videos - we have the science to back it up 😎)

If the products are so good, why can’t I buy them in stores?

These days products that are exclusively sold online are very common, I mean, don’t we all shop online more than we shop in stores?? I do!

Scientific research has shown that we trust our friends and family more than advertising.

Funnily enough, consumers aren’t blind sided and we all know many commercials aren’t real.

If your friend goes to see a great movie, or has an amazing experience at a restaurant, or is raving about a new skin product they tried… you naturally trust them and more often than not you’ll go and try what they were talking about! 

This happened to me recently, I was seeing commercials everywhere for a product that promised to help you grow your hair longer, faster. I thought it was all just great advertising until my girlfriend swore by the product and recommended I get it. You betcha I was online within minutes getting mine sent to my house.

(I mean, why would your friend share something with you that wasn’t any good, and lie about it, we just don’t do that??)

This is why high quality products or services with lots of research behind them - products that are changing people’s lives and transforming their health - are not found in supermarkets or health stores. Not in this day and age, times are seriously changing.

We have so much accessible to us online, I’m sure I’m not the only person who prefers to shop online rather than in a busy shopping mall?

What we know to be true is… A satisfied customer that gives a referral is way more powerful than an advertisement, or even a product on the shelf… 78% of people will buy a product after getting a recommendation, while only 14% will buy a product after seeing an ad for it.

And that’s why this business model is smart. We’re not having to spend thousands on marketing like a traditional business would…

So, that’s why you won’t see these products in store.

Our program & products rely solely on good reviews and recommendations based on incredible, life-changing results. That means they only sell because they actually work!

We’ve seen firsthand in the Healthstyle Emporium what these products can do - from both our own experiences and the experiences of our clients. Seeing the results adds fuel to the fire and allows us to honestly share this product because we KNOW it’s going to help people.

There’s so much misunderstanding and ignorance towards what an MLM business actually is, and this can cloud the judgement of many. But my biggest mission right now is to educate as many people as possible about this profession, because we truly and fully believe that what we are doing will help change lives.

Maybe you are someone who has held negative beliefs around MLM before, and maybe that will change after reading this - I hope it will!

Why can’t we just use The HSE program without using the Juice Plus+ products?

This is a good question, it comes back to our mission around educating the world to implement preventative lifestyle habits & holistic health - health involves the mind, body and soul, but as I said above, knowing about health is not the same as practicing it.

Often people who join us in The HSE won’t do the workouts, or make the recipes, or watch our educational webinars or do the meditations...but what they WILL do is take a whole food capsule every day!

That’s our peace of mind as business owners that you, the client, are at least nourishing your body.

If all else fails, we know someone can get great results from using the Juice Plus+ nutraceutical alone - it’s such an easy step to add into your routine each day.

From a business perspective, having our clients get amazing results from the products is great for us too because it keeps them inside The HSE where we can continue serving & teaching them.

So even if they don’t use all the resources we put our energy into creating, they’re still getting happier and healthier from using the product.

Partnering The HSE with Juice Plus+ also means our clients get the most value for their money. It is the smartest business decision I made back in 2014 & all of our wellness coaches will agree.

As coaches, we do what we do because we love helping people! We are passionate about spreading the message of holistic and preventative health. We don’t believe in bandaid approaches.

Our clients get their Juice Plus products at the same price as they would if they bought directly from the Juice Plus website, BUT on top of that, if they buy through us they also get access to our beautiful holistic health program, The Healthstyle Emporium (worth a lot, like mentioned before), completely for free!

Not to mention getting access to our team of health and wellness professionals, plus a wellness coach in the Emporium who is there to guide and provide accountability (like getting back on track after a bad day!)

So, the MLM business model + partnering Juice Plus with The Emporium = allows us to all be our own bosses!

We get to take advantage of low start up costs, no risk, and working when we want, where we want, with who we want.

Logistically, it’s also incredibly smart. We have over 2500 wellness coaches at the time of writing this post. Imagine if I had to pay 2500 people each month - WHAT A NIGHTMARE.

I would rather pay my $50 USD yearly fee and have head office deal with pay, enquiries and all that jazz, thank you very much 😋

In Babes in Business (the business side of working with us) we all share and support each other, plus we get to leverage the skills and resources of each other, which is amazing because it means none of us need to pay for expensive mentors and business coaches. PLUS, we have our uplines / mentors who have gone before us, available at a click of a button if we need one on one support.

This is available to us because of the business model. Its unheard of in any other business model.

If we were to run the HSE without the product, not only would we be doing our clients a massive disservice, but we’d also be exchanging our time for money - which is one of the reasons most of us left traditional business in the first place!

We are here because we want to create an additional income stream, and not just that, a residual income.

A residual income is when you continue to get paid after the work is already done, and we believe it’s so important to have this if you want a life of flexibility & freedom.

None of this work 1 hour, get paid for one hour.

MLM allows you to work today for 1 hour, and get paid on that action within that hour for the rest of your life.

When someone decides they don’t want to work for a big corporation where the man at the top makes all the money and the workers are slaving away, and they want to build a business that gives them the freedom to live life on their terms...where do they go?

Many people will go off and start a business on their own. But what happens when you get sick, or clients cancel, or you take maternity leave… you don’t get paid!!

Also, did you know 50% of businesses fail in the first 2 years. And those that survive the 2 year mark, 50% of those fail within 5 years?


Thats why MLM works. You have mentorship, weekly trainings, systems and business blueprints to follow that the successful people before you have built for you to follow.

Don’t forget that what most people don’t tell you is that when you’re your own boss in a traditional business, you don’t get paid if you don’t work! That means you still have very little freedom.

If you need some time off with a MLM business? You still get paid baby! Whooo.

Also… you want a business coach? You’re looking at a serious investment. $10K or more per year for a goodie.

With MLM… mentorship and guidance is all apart of the deal! We are your business coaches - and you get us for free!

That’s the power of residual income. That’s the power of network marketing.

Without it:

  • You miss out on precious moments because you’re forced to work (with family day care these days costing more than most mum’s wages, mum’s are being forced to go back to work before they are ready and subsequently missing out on magical moments with loved ones.)

  • You miss out on opportunities like travelling (Many people want to travel, but have to sacrifice their career in order to make it happen because they don’t have enough leave.)

  • You aren’t in control of your financial security (People are being made redundant because online business and machines are more effective and more efficient...)

But why would I choose MLM over a traditional business?

Research shows that 70% of people would prefer to be their own boss, but nowhere near that amount will take the step because with all the many traditional options like buying an existing business, or you can open a franchise, you can start something from scratch or become an investor for example, all of those steps will require money, time and at some level - expertise.

We also need to pay bills now, but business start up is a serious slow burn before profits come in. You’re looking at 5 - 10 years of your traditional business being around before true profits start to show up.

So then, our business model, MLM - a multi billion dollar industry, shows up & it is today in such high demand, for so many reasons.

In 1979 when the profession became legitimised, the game changed. Families were bringing in additional income that was otherwise unavailable to the traditional working man.

Fast forward to today where technology has seriously evolved and now we are able to run a business with our smart phones and wifi connection, its the day and age where business is now virtual.

Now lets compare MLM to say real estate. Let’s say you don’t need to use any of your own personal money for a property investment, you can use the money of investors, theres an incredible amount of risk here lets say your flip goes wrong or the market takes a turn for the worst, you still need to pay that money back.

With MLM, with a great company like ours, the only financial investment you have is your franchise fee ($50usd) and the product you personally use. Thats it. There is no risk.

In addition to this, the government says no matter if you have a multi-million dollar company or a network marketing business, you can claim the same tax deductions. That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship and taking advantage of the MLM model.

One thing network marketing is, is its fair.

Think about this, us as a consumer in the industrialised world, its highly likely you have some beautiful and expensive items in your home. Lets say, the $250 dress you have in your wardrobe. It’s highly likely that dress was made somewhere in the Asia Pacific where conditions are horrible and where it cost just a few dollars to make. When you bought that dress, you didn’t even think about that right?

To me that’s a pyramid. Will the workers and children working in those factories ever make the same amount of money that the company directors and corporate team make? No.

So what MLM is, is fair. Anyone can enter the profession and everyone starts at the same level. Everyone gets paid for their efforts, you don’t have a boss and what really and truely put into it, is what you will get out of it.

This has been the vehicle that allows me to serve others, helping them improve their health and build a businesses that will change the trajectory of their lives.

I would be doing you all a massive disservice if I didn’t share this with you.

Babes in Business (check out the site here) are a group of passionate women who are helping and empowering others to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. This is why we’re so proud of the community we have created, the business structure we use, and the product we partner with.

Our personal motto is “knowledge is power, but only when shared.”

What we have is a gift. It is so powerful and I know it has changed not just my life, but the life of my loved ones, my friends, my team and clients. 

So then why is MLM so misunderstood?

Back in the 50’s, if you owned a franchise people thought you were apart of “a cult” or you were a communist (interesting times!).

To be honest, MLM is really only just in the last 10 years coming of age. Today, when we see multi-billionaires’ like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Brendon Burchard + so much more either endorse & advocate for or add MLM to their repertoire and portfolio of companies, thats when you know there is a clue as to why this is such a great business model.

Today, MLM is where franchising was back in the 80’s (when it began to become de-stigmatised) & there is a lot of cleaning up to do within the profession. We have seen lots of people make false claims or promise high hopes for others & sadly that has put a bad taste in the mouths of many.

But, we are entering a new era & times are quickly changing, and now more then ever the integrity and standards of MLM is higher then ever - and it starts with you and I.

If someone has shared this with you, feel grateful that they care enough about you to share it with you! If our message resonates with you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the person who shared this with you. 

I hope we get to see you around in Babes in Business or inside The Healthstyle Emporium, but if I don’t, I hope this has educated you so you can understand a bit more about what we’re doing and why we’re so proud of it.

At the end of the day, my thought process is “don’t take advice from someone that has nothing you inspire to have”. So we’ll leave that one up to you.

Make your own decision & please don’t burn this profession unless you have given it a red hot go yourself 😉

I hope this has served you x