I know you want to have endless OPPORTUNITY in all areas of your life - in time, health, love, relationships, purpose & finances.

I’m passionate about supporting you to take a holistic approach to your overall JOY and FULFILMENT by encouraging you to:

  • Create a schedule with an abundance of white space, giving you plenty of time to live life in accordance to your highest values. 

  • Prioritise & invest your wellbeing exactly how you wish. 

  • Create a life where your connections and relationships are deep, soul nourishing and expansive.

  • Say yes to things that light you up and no to the things that don't align. 

  • Feel regulated, clear and calm about where you are going.

  • Do things because you want to, not because you *have* to or because you feel there’s no other way, limited or stuck in a box

  • To live a life that feels meaningful and rich, all whilst creating an income above and beyond what you expect

  • Redefine your version of success, ignoring external expectations and instead, honing in on what leaves you feeling truly satisfied 

  • Attract opportunities that you couldn't have even dreamed up or didn’t even know existed by expanding your realm of possibility

In order to do that, you know it's time to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery, to seek the answers to the questions you have about your strengths, your place in the world, the work you’re made to do and what truly matters to you.

The problem is, you feel LOST and UNINSPIRED with your vision & desires, not knowing what you really want out of life & not sure where to even start.

And that makes you feel confused, doubtful & LOST about the way forward.  

But I want to lovingly let you know that even though the journey to growth and evolution can at times be met with resistance, it can still make you feel alive, inspired & joyful because I’m a true believer that that magic is in the journey, not the end result & I’ll always be that person helping you see the perfection in it all, reminding you that the view at the top is always worth the climb.

I understand how hard it is to feel excited about the way forward when you’ve lost your will to dream BIG. 

And that’s why, for the past decade I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs to clear the pathway for their success. My superpower is my Mercury in the 5th house of fun and pleasure and Sagittarius Rising placements, this not only gives me the power to have you romanticising your life and business, but I am that expansive visionary energy, being able to see the world with endless possibilities allowing those in my orbit to self actualise & dream limitlessly with me.

When you step into my world, you’ll tap into your own personal abundancenot just in wealth, but in joy, wellbeing, love, purpose, and fulfillment.


Here’s what I focus on in my work:

Uncover Your True Desires & Strengths:

Together, we’ll dive deep into your strengths, passions, and dreams. I’ll help you reconnect with what truly drives you so you can live from a place of authenticity and purpose.

Define Your Goals & Gain Crystal Clear Clarity:

As your guide, I’ll push you to dream bigger than ever before. We’ll ditch logic and stretch your imagination beyond limits, unlocking what you really want from life.

Shift Your Mindset & Strengthen Your Self-Belief:

Spend enough time with me, and you’ll unlearn the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back. The core of our work will be rewiring your thoughts and beliefs.


Buy My Book

Imagine having a high-level visionary expander in your orbit, cheering you on, revealing what's possible, and reminding you of your potential. This book offers exactly that.

Best of all, you’ll learn to interpret your natal chart (a snapshot of the heavens the moment you took your first breath) providing a powerful blueprint for unlocking the magic written in the stars from the moment you were born and waiting within you.

Cosmic Abundance

Join the Cosmic Abundance program for a 12 month journey through the 12 zodiacal signs, teaching you how to attract & manifest more abundance in every life area by harnessing the natural rhythms of the moon.



Money Magic

There is a secret element to success and financial abundance that most of us are unaware of, and that is the stories and beliefs that are programmed within our unconscious mind. 

Money Magic is a 5 day course designed to teach you all about how to rewire your limiting beliefs around money, so that you can welcome and cultivate wealth, just like you deserve.



A 16 week high level immersive mastermind for the entrepreneurial woman ready to create the business of her dreams, without sacrificing her soul. Are you ready to revolutionise your business and build an empire you’re actually obsessed with and love to run?

Gain the clarity, confidence & *strategy* needed to create an aligned business using your unique strengths-led success blueprint 


Client Wins



With a decade of business under my belt helping thousands of people around the world revolutionize the way they create endless opportunity & joy in their lives, this is my behind the veil podcast.

We talk all things how to apply the principles of spirituality, universal law, astrology, energy & mindset to create your very own version of success. We’ll be playing in high frequency energy here, creating a life full of satisfaction, stepping into the energy *NOW* of your highest self & becoming a magnetic force relishing in all life’s desires.

Like to read? I turn all my episodes into blogs.

Freebies For Your Business


The Stars Within You

A Free 2hr Workshop

A Free Play-on-demand 2hr Workshop on Weaving Your Unique Astrological  Blueprint Into The Business of Your Dreams

Moon Tracking Calendar


Moon tracking  shows you HOW to flow with the natural cycles of the moon to create an abundant life. This practice shows you how to use the zodiacal themes to set intentions and manifest your desires at the beginning of each new cycle with the new moon, cultivating prosperity, abundance, happiness and creativity in the life areas you are wanting to manifest your deepest desires

Vision Workbook & Workshop

A Free 2hr Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey with my exclusive Free Play on Demand Vision Masterclass.An immersive experience where the alchemy of your potential meets the boundless potential of your imagination. This Vision Masterclass is more than just about setting goals; it's a gateway to unlocking the extraordinary capabilities within you, empowering you to communicate with your subconscious and shape your reality. Get ready to ignite a spark that fuels your vision, resilience, and unwavering self-belief.

Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary?

You'll receive:

  • The Free Workbook

  • The Recorded Webinar

  • [BONUS] Podcast Episode

Free Meditations

Self Guided Meditation

Join me on the worlds #1 largest free meditation app, Insight Timer. I’ll be your personal mindset & energetics coach who’s passionate about helping you elevate your life & business through mindfulness, meditation, & universal laws. Join me to explore my different guided meditations that align you with your purpose, boost clarity, & create lasting inner peace.

Meet Chani

I help female entrepreneurs revolutionise how they create the business of their dreams, without sacrificing their soul.

I’m a 4/1 Manifesting Generator + Aries Sun + Capricorn Moon + Sagittarius Rising…

…meaning I am a fierce & fiery visionary expander for anyone who opts in to hang out in my orbit +++ I’m obsessed with doing meaningful work that encourages personal freedom & living a life aligned with our highest values.

My soul mission in life is to help incredible entrepreneurial women like you, unlock & activate their true gifts, strengths, genius & innate magic all whilst building the business & life of their dreams… the best bit, we’re doing it without sacrificing our souls.

I’m here as your proof, & to show you my love, that you are innately worthy of it all - the joy, satisfaction, the business success - growth - scalability WITH a calm nervous system & a calendar that celebrates white space instead of the perpetual “doing”.

I mix energetics, astrology, mindset & strategy & it’ll blow your mind what happens in your reality when you mix these ingredients together.

I call it spiritual strategy & it’ll rock your world

The Alchemy Blueprint:

How To Live A Joyful Life As An Entrepreneur Without Sacrificing Your Soul.