How to manifest the shit out of your dreams…
Today is a pretty momentous day. It marks exactly one year today that I manifested one of my wildest dreams. I was asked to be a social media panelist on the Go Pro stage in Vegas - 3 hours before go time.
Im talking, THE GO PRO event at the MGM Grand - the annual global event that thousands of people around the world fly in for… its like the grammy’s for The Network Marketing World where only 7 and 8 figure earners are asked to walk the stage and share.
People of the likes of Madonna, Beyonce & Andrea Bocelli perform on that stage. The keynote speakers were Magic Johnson & John Maxwell of this particular event… Ive been in this industry for 4 years you guys, I’m a baby, but far out was it an honour.
It’s a funny story actually. It was day 1 of 3 and we were eating some dinner outside before the event started. I was in my nike’s and lounge wear, messy bun and no make up on when I got the call to see if I would take the spot of someone who had pulled out last minute.
I literally burst into tears in front of everyone.
Not because I was shitting my pants. Because I had visualised this moment so many frekin times that my reality had finally caught up with my deep knowing and the feeling was seriously overwhelming.
I was asked a million times “were you nervous?”…
… my response was always “No, I’ve lived that moment a million times, it was just another day of living it”.
My stars aligned that day.
To be honest it was a dream I envisioned happening maybe 8 - 10 years into my career.
So my question to you is, do you ever roll out of bed and wonder “what’s going to happen today?” as if you have no control over it?
Most of us naturally assume that anything bad that happens during the day is outside our control, and that we are at the mercy of whatever bad (or good) the day brings - but this couldn’t be further from the truth!
What’s completely life changing is this idea that you can strategically create your own life by having a vision and guiding your own thoughts. You can literally create your day as you go if you can be conscious of your emotions and thoughts!
This is essentially what manifesting is. To manifest something is to bring it forth into your physical life by using your thoughts, feelings, or beliefs.
This kind of thing is what we’re all about in The Healthstyle Emporium, my 16 week online holistic health program - we don’t just teaching nutrition and fitness, mindset is HUGE and so is tapping into your intuition which we’ll be discussing in this blog today.
There are many different ways to use manifesting, and also many different tools and practices you can use along the way. I’m going to cover some of my favourite practices:
quantum shifts
vision boards
positive thinking
oracle cards
angel numbers
We’ll chat about what each of the above are, how to use them and how they could change your life. So let’s dive into some of these ways so you can start manifesting your dream life into existence today!
The power of “signs” in manifesting
What is a sign?
My universal sign is an owl.
The funny thing is the day of Go Pro when we checked in, I opened the blinds of our suite at The MGM and right outside our window was The Hooters Resort Owl across the road.
It was hilarious.
Imagine a flashing owl sign about 9 stories high right outside your window - when we checked in I felt like I was on path. Something felt right. I felt good. I knew something was coming.
When we are talking about manifesting, a sign is a symbol or “thing” of your choosing that you use as a guide. For example, a sign could be an a butterfly, or a number, or a poodle - anything that you can potentially see in your every day life that feels like the universe is giving you a little nudge.
Seeing your sign is essentially a message from the Universe telling you you’re on track and in alignment.
Having a sign helps you feel supported, so as you go through life you know there’s something out there that is helping and guiding you.
There were 10,000 in this arena & thousands more tuning in via live stream. WTF?!
Often when we’re embarking on a new journey (like starting a new business, blog or trying to lose weight) it feels like we’re alone or that we only have ourselves to rely on. It can feel overwhelming, scary and you’re often unsure if you’re on the right path!
When you have a sign you can be guided to know that you’re on the right track or when something is a good decision to make.
SO, How do you find your sign?
If you like meditating like me, it’s as simple as asking, “Universe, what’s my sign?” and usually you’ll find something pop up straight away in your mind. No matter how random, whatever thing pops up is your sign.
If you dont meditate, thats ok, I suggest grounding yourself in nature & be outside when you ask the same thing!
My gf Kimberly Wenya helped me find my universal sign a few years back, she’s a spiritual mindset coach & I remember her telling me the first time asked the universe for a sign, she thought of Dalmatians. She initially thought it was a mistake because she doesn’t even like Dalmatians!
But she soon learned it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it can be completely random.
Seeing signs like this is called a synchronicity, which is like a coincidence except it’s put there by the universe to show you you’re on the right track.
You can have multiple signs too, and different signs tend to have different meanings - for Kimberly, Dalmatians mean that she’s on the right track, while butterflies mean good things are coming.
What do you do with your sign?
Once I figured the Owl was mine I spent every conscious moment of every day trying to find one. Thats not what to do with your sign!
It takes a lot of inner reflection - you’ve gotta do some digging and intuitive work to decide what these signs mean to you. So you don’t need to “do” anything specific with your sign per se, you just need to notice when these signs come up for you.
Don’t go out of your way to look for it, let it come to you.
As women we naturally have the beautiful gift of intuition, but life tends to get so busy - kids running around, family to look after, jobs, friends, chores, “adulting” - that we forget to tap in and we tend to get out of synch quite easily. It can start to feel like we have a million tabs open on our browser! This is when we’re out of flow and overwhelmed.
Having a sign, and noticing when it comes up, can bring you back to your purpose and support you in the journey forward. It’s like a little reminder from the universe to tap back in to your intuition.
The first step to take is to ask the universe for your sign. This sign will then lead you towards the resources and coaches you need to get there - it’s hard to explain but you’ll start to see your sign pop up when you least expect it, and it can help you make the right decisions.
Now let’s move on to another form of manifesting which I love - using crystals!
The power of crystals in manifesting
I’m sure you’ve seen these gorgeous crystals before, but in case you didn’t know, crystals come from the earth which means they’re supercharged and have a beautiful frequency. Crystals can be used to heal ourselves while on a health and fitness journey (or anytime, really!)
If this is getting a little woo for you, stay with me! I promise the things we’re talking about can be incredibly powerful in your life if you remain open minded.
Different types and colours of crystals have different frequencies, which is why they have different uses and purposes. This is why they’re often used as part of a manifesting practice. So when you are meditating on the vision and feeling you have for your life, holding a crystal and absorbing its energy can really boost the power of that meditation.
In a similar way, just having crystals around you - on your desk or in your house - can remind you of what you’re manifesting and help you create that new life for yourself.
We’ll just chat about a few today, but know that there are sooo many to choose from (plus they look beautiful in your home or office!)
Citrine is a beautiful yellow crystal known as the manifestation stone, which is right on topic for this blog! The power of citrine is that it can’t carry negativity, so it’s a great crystal to start with for anyone who wants to grow their abundance in finance or business - it attracts wealth and prosperity.
Amethyst is a bright purple crystal that has a soothing and healing effect. This stone can be incredibly useful for calming the mind, as well as strengthening your intuition.
Rose quartz:
Rose quartz is the stone of self-love - it’s a gorgeous light pink colour. This is a great stone for anyone looking to lose weight and get healthy, because your inner self-love reflects through your physical body. In growing your self-love, you’ll often find yourself feeling and living much healthier and happier! This stone can also be used to improve relationships with friends and family.
What to do when you’re lacking motivation or in a bit of a “funk”
The Social Media Panel at Go Pro, 2018. Theres me in my black jumpsuit & wedges I had always visualised myself wearing!
It’s important to get really clear on what you want. When you’re unclear of what you want, or you’re lacking purpose, that’s when you’ll start to feel unmotivated or you’ll feel a bit off.
When you’re getting clear on what you want, make sure you’re clear on the feeling you want, not just what the physical result will look like. You want to be careful because often people will be looking at other people’s bodies as their “vision”, but it’s not their body so it can get unclear. Sometimes this can even push you backwards because it’s easy to fall into the self-comparison trap and forget why you’re really on the journey in the first place (it’s always because you want a certain feeling at the end.)
This is why we focus on a specific feeling when we want to manifest something like the feeling of walking across the Go Pro stage, how your dress feels against your skin, how your wedges feel on your feet as you walk up to your chair.
Side note - What I had always visualised I would be wearing was exactly what I had available in my luggage!!! Matt and I had been travelling for 8 months at this point so I was majorly living minimalistic but 1 week before Go Pro I bought a jumpsuit in Spain I found that I had ALWAYS WANTED - on sale.
(No such thing as coincidences my friends! Just Synchronicities & serendipitous events).
Or, how it feels our dream body - what you want is the feeling of confidence and loving yourself (this is where crystals can come in because you can then surround yourself with a crystal like rose quartz to encourage this feeling).
You’ll eventually start to notice synchronicities, like once you’ve decided to manifest your dream body maybe a friend will randomly ask you to go for a walk even though you normally go to a cafe.
You’ll find the combination of the sign, and your crystals, and the vision of how you feel, will lead to you treating yourself better. You’ll start to eat better, exercise, and make many lifestyle shifts that will get you to your goal.
Another incredibly important part of manifesting is quantum shifting.
The power of quantum shifting in manifesting
We don’t usually put “quantum shifting” on our to-do list when we are trying to get fit, lose weight or heal our bodies (because I’m sure many people have never even heard of it!)
Quantum shifting is based on the law of attraction, which says like attracts like and your thoughts create your reality - we often don’t put two and two together that our thoughts can actually have a lot to do with our physical condition. So when we want to change our body, we’ll start going to the gym or change our diet, but we’ll forget about our thoughts and the power they have!
I’m so passionate about this side of health. That’s why The Healthstyle Emporium is not just a physical program, it’s so much more than that. You can be eating all the greatest food in the world and exercising, but if your thoughts are not healthy you will not be getting optimal results.
Quantum shifting means you’re using the law of attraction to your advantage to get to your goal.
So instead of saying “one day” or “in the future” you’ll get there, you see yourself as having reached your goal right NOW. You step into that version of yourself right now. When you think about it, you’ll be the same person when you do achieve your goal, just a slightly improved version. So quantum shifting is understanding that in some far off parallel universe you ARE already that person, and all you have to do is step into that right now.
Breaking this down into action steps, it’s all about acting, talking, and being like your goal version of yourself. E.g., How would you exercise and eat when you’re 10kg lighter? Do it now.
The more you can embody your goal right now, the faster you will get there.
Quantum shifting is really powerful because it’s all about taking action right now instead of waiting for “someday.”
The power of vision boards in manifesting
You might be thinking about a vision board where you cut out photos of other people or things and put them on a board, hoping one day you might have these things too. But what I’m talking about is very different (and much more powerful!).
Instead of building a vision board which is made up of other people’s reality (like other people’s bodies), you’re going to create an execution board. An execution board is one you create based on what you will do and what action you will take.
For example, instead of putting up another woman’s body, you would put up the foods you will eat to achieve your dream body. And for a blog, instead of putting up other blogs you like, you would put up your own colours, textures and topics you plan to talk about.
The difference is that an execution board is all about taking daily action, not just dreaming about the vision which is what a vision board tends to be.
If you currently just have a vision board, go back to it and write down actual action steps to get there:
What do you need to do on a daily basis?
What are the small steps you’ll need to take to make the vision a reality?
How do you need to think?
Make it all about taking action instead of blindly dreaming.
What you think, you become
We all have things that affect us negatively in life - so how can we change a perceived negative situation and turn it into a positive one?
Everything in life is neutral, until our brain makes a decision to perceive it as positive or negative. We can recognise the fact that we have control over how we perceive certain things, but how can we find gratitude and love for certain negative situations in life?
It’s important to not let yourself become a victim. Instead, use your adversity to drive yourself forward and become the best version of yourself.
Here’s a little exercise to put this into practice when something negative happens in your life (or you could use it to shed new light on a past negative situation):
Start by writing down the negative thing at the top of a piece of paper. Below that separate two columns. In one column get all the negative energy on the thing and really write down everything bad about it. Next, in the other column write down how this has actually served you and how you can turn it into a positive thing.
It’s not an easy practice, it’s going to be hard because this is change and your ego is going to stand up and protest. But once you get past the ego, a practice like this is so rewarding because you release yourself from the burden of that experience and grow from it instead.
I always ask my coaching clients going through something negative, “what is the positive thing here?” When we’re going through it it’s so easy to have our negativity blinders on because all our thoughts are emotionally charged. But it’s so valuable to be able to step back and ask yourself how you could turn it into a positive thing - this makes all the difference.
I got dumped by a guy years ago (before I met my husband) and I was head over heels in love with him. He totally broke my heart into a million pieces and it felt so bad at the time.
I thought my life was ruined - I didn’t want to do anything and I was living in my PJs - basically I was a hot mess.
It wasn’t until I started delving into Dr Demartini’s work, where he talks about finding the positive in any situation, that I then realised this experience had led me to become the person I became today. Instead of sour, I became grateful.
That break up helped me become more independent, it helped me realise the type of man I wanted in my life, it made me realise how I want to be treated and it helped me realise I wouldn’t settle for anything less than what I wanted. It helped me really define myself as a person and there was actually a lot of self love that came out of the situation.
I hope I bump into him one day because I really want to thank him - I’m so damn grateful for what happened and I never would have manifested the man of my dreams who I’ve married now without knowing and feeling what I really wanted in a loving relationship.
The power of oracle cards in manifesting
Oracle cards are powerful because they can help you focus your intuition and keep you in tune with your purpose or direction - I use them in my morning routine every day but with affirmation cards instead!
I’ll whip out my oracle cards if I need a special answer for something thats really bugging me or I really need guidance on.
When you pull a card, ask yourself what this could mean in your life right now. There’s never a wrong answer and there’s also no “right” answer - the card serves as a reminder for your day and to encourage you to be the best version of yourself!
In the Healthstyle Emporium we teach all about morning routines, meditation and other mindset rituals to help you on this journey.
The power of angel numbers in manifesting
Like most of the other manifestation practices we have spoken about so far, angel numbers serve as a reminder or guide through your day - support from the universe that you’re on the right track.
When numbers repeat themselves, or continually appear for you, they are called angel numbers.
Different combinations of numbers also have many different meanings, so the universe can send you different messages depending on what numbers pop up for you.
[At the exact time of writing this sentence, I looked up and the clock showed 11:11 - this means “your thoughts are manifesting, so make sure they’re positive” - crazy synchronicity with this blog post!]
Angel numbers can help guide you and send you messages when you need them, like with this post and reminding us to keep our thoughts positive to manifest our reality!
I hope this post has helped clear up what manifesting is, and how it can help you create your dream life. What we’ve spoken about are just some of the ways we can begin to manifest what we desire, so feel free to pick and choose what feels good for you!
Inside the Healthstyle Emporium 16 week online holistic health program, you’ll get access to so many resources that will help support you to learning more about manifesting and creating your ideal reality including my webinar on using the moon to manifest abundance + my moon tracking guide.
We have monthly webinars with health and wellness experts, guided challenges for you to follow, resources to check out and so much more! Like I mentioned earlier, we cover the nutrition and fitness side of health, but we also go deep on mindset and topics like manifestation which can be an overlooked part of health and wellness, but could be the difference between whether you reach your goals or not!
If you’ve got any questions or want to chat more about how you can join us inside #TheHSE, don’t hesitate to reach out :)
I hope this served you today,
Chani x
Everyone in this picture “Cheese” … Me: “Is this real life? YEP!”