Deconditioning The Undefined Ego / Heart Centre in Human Design
Hello my loves,
In episode 17 of The Worthy Podcast we talk all things human design. If you have no idea what this modality is, then you’re in the right place and you’ll love this episode!
You can download your free human design chart from websites like
If you prefer to listen, you can listen over here >>>
OK, Let’s talk about the ego centre in your human design chart!
I used to wear my accolades like a badge of honor…
✅Being the youngest person to reach the pinnacle position in my direct selling company,
✅winning gold for Australia in Natural Bodybuilding,
✅ manifesting my dream Porsche and beachfront home before 30
I was that girl who could achieve anything I put my mind to.
I was also the type of person who, if someone told me I couldn't do something, would take it as a personal challenge to prove them wrong.
And while it worked – while I literally achieved every single thing I set my mind to – in hindsight, something always felt off.
Now, this isn't one of those "success isn't everything" stories or a lecture about how money can't buy happiness. That's not it at all – success and growth are important, and money absolutely can bring happiness to an extent.
But what I discovered through Human Design and my own personal experiment has completely transformed how I approach both success and worth.
The wildest part?
The moment I stopped trying to prove my worth in this world, everything I desired started to flow even more effortlessly and faster.
What You'll Learn in This Blog
The moment I realized my achievements were actually a shield blocking further growth
Why I sold my Porsche and what this taught me about self-worth
The specific part of my Human Design chart that changed everything (and led me to name my podcast Worthy)
How simplifying my business actually increased my impact and personal satisfaction
The surprising freedom in choosing alignment over status in how I show up
A never-before-revealed project that completely aligns with this journey of worth in business that I’m working on making available in the coming months
This is a photo of my human design chart. You can see I have an undefined heart / ego centre (because its not coloured in) and also my head is also undefined.
Understanding Human Design
In late 2023, I became fascinated with Human Design and started diving deep into not only my chart but the entire methodology.
What captivated me was how it was created in 1988 – the year I was born.
At just 36 years old, it's a relatively new modality compared to something like astrology, which is ancient.
Human Design is a synthesis of several ancient and modern modalities including:
The I Ching
The Kabbalah
The Hindu Chakra System
Quantum Physics
Created in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu during a mystical experience on the island of Ibiza, Human Design gives us a detailed map of our energetic makeup by combining these wisdom traditions with modern science.
Think of it like your soul's DNA – a unique blueprint that shows exactly how you're designed to operate in this world.
In your Human Design chart (called a BodyGraph), you'll see various geometric shapes that are either colored in (defined) or white (undefined).
One of these centers is the Ego/Heart Center, represented by a small triangle in the middle right of the chart.
When your Ego Center is defined (colored in):
You have consistent access to willpower
You're here with something to prove in this lifetime
You naturally know how to use willpower to achieve goals
You're designed to make and keep promises
Material motivation comes naturally to you
When your Ego Center is undefined (white) like mine:
You're not here to prove anything in this lifetime
You have inconsistent access to willpower
You may over-commit or compete unnecessarily
You're designed to guide others in what they want
You're here to mirror back life's values without having to prove yourself
As someone who has studied astrology for over 10 years, adding Human Design to the mix was like adding that perfect finishing touch to the recipe.
It absolutely blew my mind and helped me understand patterns I'd been living with my whole life.
The Deconditioning Process
In Human Design, there's this concept called "deconditioning" – which is basically fancy way of saying unlearning all the ways you've been taught to be that aren't authentically you.
According to Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, from the moment you begin learning about your design and actually start implementing what you've discovered, it takes a minimum of seven years to return to your true nature.
This seven-year period represents one complete Saturn cycle in your life. I
've been on my Human Design experiment for about a year and a half now, so I'm still very much in the early stages.
But even this short time has been deeply transformative.
The Undefined Ego Center: My Big Discovery
One of the most profound discoveries in my chart was my undefined ego center.
In Human Design, your ego center (also called the heart center) is all about your sense of worth, willpower, and how you prove yourself in the world. When you have an undefined ego center like I do, you're actually not designed to prove your worth in this lifetime.
Yet there I was, building my entire identity around external achievements and validation:
Being the youngest and fastest in my network marketing company
Setting goals to prove others wrong
Purchasing luxury items to prove success
I was living in what Human Design calls the "not-self theme."
The not-self shows up through specific thoughts and patterns. For me, it sounded like:
"I have to be the best at this"
"I have to be better than you"
"If I show them how intelligent I am, they'll respect me"
"If I show my wealth growth, I'll be respected as a thought leader"
"If they think I can't do this, I'll prove them wrong"
These thoughts were so ingrained that I didn't even realize they were driving my decisions. I just thought they were normal, that this was what success looked and sounded like.
The Turning Point
Once I understood this wasn't my natural design, I had a choice: continue proving my worth in ways that had admittedly created success, or experiment with a completely different way of being.
I chose the latter – to follow my design.
Last year, I made some decisions that probably looked crazy to others:
I sold my Porsche: My dream car went to a friend who had a white Porsche on her vision board. When she asked why I was replacing it with a Tesla, I smiled and said, "I'm in my stealth wealth era." It wasn't about the car itself – it was about releasing the need to prove anything through external symbols.
I simplified my business: This was perhaps the most profound shift. I:
Let go of all my VAs
Didn't replace my executive assistant when she left
Unsubscribed from unnecessary tools and memberships
Reduced my business expenses by 70%
Why? Because I had let my business responsibilities and projects snowball into this huge massive unneccesary thing that didnt need to be so big.
I was trying to prove I was worthy of all the success by adding more to my plate and doing all the things… which is why I had to hire so much help.
So when I decided to let go of it all & in the process let my team know I no longer had “things” to do to keep us all busy, I lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.
The most surprising result?
By simplifying and releasing the need to prove myself, I actually increased my impact and growth.
My satisfaction deepened to a whole new level, and for the first time, I felt truly aligned with my work.
Looking Forward: The Cosmic CEO
This journey has led me to create something incredibly exciting: The Cosmic CEO.
What I've discovered is that we all have this unique energetic blueprint – like cosmic DNA that shows exactly how we're meant to operate in our businesses.
Most people are trying to run their businesses using someone else's blueprint, following strategies that worked for their mentor or coach because it aligned with their mentor's design.
Then we wonder why we feel exhausted, burnt out, or stuck...
The moment you stop pushing against resistance and start building from your natural energetic design, everything shifts.
This is why I'm so passionate about helping entrepreneurs discover their unique success blueprint & its exactly what we will be unpacking together inside The Cosmic CEO.
When you join the waitlist, you’ll have access to special waitlist gifts including $500 off your enrolment.
In Conclusion
If you've ever felt like you're doing all the right things in your business but something still feels missing, or you know there's more depth to explore within your soul, you're not alone.
The journey from proving to being is one of the most profound transformations we can experience.
Remember: You are inherently worthy of all the success, abundance, and joy you desire.
No proving required my love.
Want to be the first to know when The Cosmic CEO opens? Join the waitlist here.
Join me in episode 17 where I'm sharing how discovering my Human Design chart - specifically exploring my undefined ego centre - completely transformed my approach to business and success. From understanding what your unique energetic constitution holds to unlearning who you’ve been told to be, learn how understanding your unique blueprint could revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey.
Key Moments:
🤍What is the undefined and defined ego / heart centre and how to fully embody it
🤍The real reason behind selling my porsche
🤍How I increased impact while reducing expenses by 70%
🤍The truth about feeling the need to prove your authority, leadership and worth in business
🤍A special announcement about something new coming in 2025
Resources I mention in this episode:
Join The Cosmic Ceo waitlist here
Like & Subscribe to Chani’s YouTube channel here
Listen to The Worthy Podcast on Spotify here
Listen to The Worthy Podcast on Apple Podcasts here
Grab your copy of The Alchemy Blueprint here
Join my free astro workshop, The Stars Within You here
Grab a copy of my book, The Alchemy Blueprint here
Explore your individual astrology reading & report with me here
Click this video to hear a short explanation where I explain how learning about the ego centre in my human design chart changed everything for me!
The key is honoring your design rather than forcing yourself into strategies that work for others but may not be energetically correct for you.
There's no "better" definition – both defined and undefined Ego Centers have unique gifts and challenges. The magic happens when you understand and honour your design.